Diane Furnberg: A Life of Love and Hollywood Glamour Know Her Age, Childhood, Education & Career

Diane Furnberg is the fifth wife of well-known American actor Douglas Osborne McClure. She is a name associated with elegance and Hollywood glamour and rose to prominence.

Diane’s life was one of independence, tenacity, and dedication to her family and her ambitions, even though her name may initially have been connected with her famous spouse.

This biography dives deep into Diane Furnberg’s incredible career, illuminating her early years, her union with Douglas McClure, and her contributions outside of the flash and glamour of Hollywood.

Diane Furnberg Wiki

Full NameDiane Furnberg
Date of BirthJuly 12, 1950
Place of BirthChicago, Illinois
ParentsRobert and Margaret Furnberg
SiblingsTwo younger siblings
EducationA strong passion for the arts and lifelong learning
Relationship with Douglas McClureMarried in 1977
Douglas McClure’s Cause of DeathLung cancer
Philanthropic InvolvementCo-founder of The McClure Foundation, dedicated to assisting poor children’s education and healthcare
Personal Passions and PursuitsTalented artist, particularly in painting and sculpture; avid traveler
Challenges FacedThe constraints of public scrutiny and sustaining a Hollywood marriage
Date of Douglas McClure’s Death1995
Marital StatusWidowed

Early Life and Background of Diane Furnberg

On July 12, 1950, Diane Furstenberg was born in a serene Chicago, Illinois, suburb. Along with two younger siblings, she was nurtured by her parents, Robert and Margaret Furnberg, who also instilled in them the principles of perseverance, kindness, and the value of strong family ties. Diane Furnberg was raised in a loving home where she was encouraged to follow her aspirations.

diane furnberg

Education of Diane Furnberg

Her early years in Chicago founded Diane Furnberg’s educational career, characterized by a profound love of the arts and a dedication to lifelong learning. She developed her artistic abilities across various mediums, sculpting her distinctive creative voice with the support of her family and professors.

Blossoming Romance

In the middle of the 1970s, Diane and the affable Douglas McClure met paths at a Hollywood charity event. Douglas was already a well-known personality in the entertainment business at the time, best known for his parts in vintage TV series and motion pictures.

Their common interests and sincere personalities led to an immediate bond between the two. The two had an evident chemistry even though Douglas was nearly two decades their senior.

Doug McClure

Their relationship immediately took off and caught the interest of both the media and their followers. Diane and Douglas were married in 1977 in front of a small gathering of their loved ones. Their union attracted the public’s interest because Diane, a regular Chicago girl, was pushed into the glittering world of Hollywood.

Life as Mrs. McClure

Diane Furnberg assumed Mrs. McClure’s responsibilities with composure and elegance. She handled the rigors of her new life easily, traveling with Douglas to numerous occasions such as events, award presentations, and movie premieres. Her exquisite red-carpet demeanor and sincere interactions with fans won over the public’s affection.

Beyond the flash and splendor, Diane’s unwavering assistance was crucial to Douglas’s emotional and professional success. She supported him through his successes and hardships, never failing to encourage him. Their relationship was founded on respect for one another and a lasting love beyond Hollywood’s glare.

Championing Charitable Causes

Beyond her status as a spouse in the entertainment industry, Diane Furstenberg had a kind temperament. She actively participated in numerous philanthropic projects, using her platform to have a beneficial influence.

diane furnberg

The McClure Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to assisting poor children’s education and healthcare, was founded by Douglas and Diane McClure.

As she invested time and money in the foundation’s projects, Diane’s philanthropic commitment was clear: building a tradition of giving back.

Personal Passions and Pursuits

Diane Furstenberg has her interests in addition to finding fulfillment in her roles as a wife and philanthropist. She was a talented artist with a preference for painting and sculpture. During the Hollywood frenzy, her artistry gave her a platform for self-expression and introspection, enabling her to retain her sense of identity.

Diane’s passion for travel added to the quality of her life. She and Douglas traveled worldwide, seeing other cultures firsthand and creating lifelong memories. These events improved Diane’s outlook on life and strengthened their relationship as a spouse.

Navigating Challenges

The pair dealt with their fair share of difficulties, such as the responsibilities of sustaining a Hollywood marriage and the constraints of public scrutiny. Diane’s persistent dedication to her family and ideals kept them strong through the highs and lows.

Tragically, Douglas McClure’s death in 1995 came after a courageous fight with lung cancer. As she dealt with the death of her devoted spouse, Diane Furstenberg had to demonstrate her courage and fortitude.

She used her sorrow as fuel to carry on the charitable endeavors they had started together, ensuring Douglas’s legacy of kindness endured.

A Lasting Legacy

The voyage of Diane Furnberg was marked by love, passion, and tenacity. Although Diane’s relationship with Douglas McClure first made her well-known, her unique accomplishments and unyielding personality set her apart as a remarkable woman in her own right.

Her dedication to philanthropy, artistic endeavors, and undying love and loyalty to her family and loved ones left a legacy that still inspires today.


The life of Diane Furnberg is a tribute to the strength of love, the importance of following one’s passions, and the influence one person can have on the world.

Her story, which includes her marriage to the illustrious Douglas McClure and her transition from a Chicago suburb to the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, is one of grit, resiliency, and the perseverance of the human spirit.

Through her charitable work, her artistic productions, and the memories of those who had the good fortune to meet her, Diane left behind a lasting legacy.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q. What was Doug McClure’s cause of death?

Ans: lung cancer

Q. Did Doug McClure have a family?

Ans: Doug had two daughters—one from his first marriage and one from his fourth—and was married five times.

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